
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
~Isaiah 6:8 NIV
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
~Micah 6:8 NASB

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer 2010

For the past few weeks, I have been working about 60 hours a week.  I know for some that seems like way to much and for others sounds easy, but I'm starting to feel a little tired.  I love my jobs though, so I guess that's a plus.  I'm trying to make as much as I can with the second job, because it's going to be a busy and expensive summer. 
Steve and I taking a vacation during the first week of June down to Dallas, TX.  The Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics is where Steve wants to do his Graduate work to enter Wycliffe.  We are visiting to attend a Total It Up week long workshop.
"This five-day course includes introductory classes on phonetics and phonology, grammar, language and culture learning, translation and semantics, as well as field reports, videos, and personal testimonies. Learn in a relaxed, informal setting with experienced translators from many different countries and language projects. Devotions, prayer time and group living build meaningful relationships between staff and students."
It should be a very stretching experience for me.  We also get to see one of my best friends, Lizzy, and her family while we are down there, so I excited about that too.
On top of that my cousin Joe is getting married in an amazing girl named Carrie in June and my brother is getting married in August.  My parents 30th Wedding Anniversary is also this summer.  Not to mention, we have 2 sister-in-laws that are expecting (one of them due very soon), one of my best friends, Tabby, is expecting in October, Steve's cousin had twins last month, my friend Esther is also expecting in the fall, our chef at work is pregnant (also due in October)...This summer/fall is apparently the time for babies.

And...Steve wants to do some work on the house this summer.  He wants to build a porch on the front, so we can sit out there when it's nice.

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