
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
~Isaiah 6:8 NIV
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
~Micah 6:8 NASB

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Babysitting Fun!

I'm so exhausted today. I've had a great weekend so far though.  Friday after work I filled out some job applications and then went home clean the house. Since Sarah is hiring allergic to everything, I had to dust and clean everything. The house looks really nice right now.  Friday evening, Steve and I were on babysitting duty again.  The girls were very excited about having a sleepover at the Pitneys. We let them play in the living room while we worked on our puzzle. For dinner, we had cardboard pizza, carrots, corn, and fruit. Yum!  After dinner, we played some more games  and turned on the Wii.  We played some tennis, baseball, bowling, and some others. I have to say that I like video games like the Wii much better than the games I grew up with or at least people my age since all we ever had was an Atari.  These games involve getting up and being active while playing, instead of sitting on the couch and playing. The girls are pretty good at the games too. Kariana and I beat Steve and Cadence at tennis. Cadence beat Steve at bowling a few times. When Steve got a spare, Cadence always said, "Oh, Steve you were close."
Saturday morning, the girls got up and ready for their mom to come pick them up. Steve left for Chicago to pick up Sarah.  After lunch, the girls came back to our house so Shere could go to work. The girls helped me clean and I took them with me for some grocery shopping.  It was nice out so we played at the park for a little while and then went home for some dinner of turkey, corn, and grapes. Yum! The girls wanted to bake some brownies to surprise Sarah, so the girls helped me make some brownies. I think Steve and Sarah really liked them.  After my sis got off work, we played some more Wii games and then she took the girls home for bedtime. Today we are just relaxing. We  love the girls and they such great kids, but I'm exhausted today.

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