I love Thursdays from Red Box. Every week, I get a code texted to my phone for a free movie. Last night for dinner, I made a Cheesy Chicken and noodle casserole with green/red peppers and mushrooms. It turned out great. Very cheesy!
Then we went over to our local Red Box and picked out a movie. Steve wanted to see Rio. It's a movie about a bird that gets bird-napped by an exotic pet shop and ends up lost in a small town in Minnesota when he fell off the truck. He is found by a little girl who raises him as her pet. She names him Blu. He is a very spoiled, happy bird until a scientist comes to find him and says he is the last of his species. The scientist has found a female blue Macaw and they only way for their species to survive is for them mate and have baby birdies.
After much prodding, the girl, who is know an adult, decides to bring her bird to Rio de Janero, Brazil with scientist. The scientist runs a bird refuge that finds injured birds in the wild or rescues them from smugglers. They arrive in Brazil just in time for the annual Carnival festival. Blu and the female Macaw, Jewel, are again bird-napped by some local smugglers. Blu must learn to trust his new friends and learn to survive out in the unknown wild. It's a really cute movie about a bird who never learned to fly, who has lived as a pet his whole life, and never really had any bird friends.
In all the adventures, Blu must gain the courage to learn to fly, develop friendships, and learn the value of family. I thought it was a good story about perseverance, believing in yourself, and getting outside your comfort zone.
Definitely Pitney Approved.
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