
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
~Isaiah 6:8 NIV
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
~Micah 6:8 NASB

Friday, June 4, 2010

Total it Up: Thursday and Friday

Thursday was our final full day of classes. We did some more "Fun"etics and "Fun"ology.  In the evening, Steve and I got to eat lunch with a retired couple that lives on campus.  There is a beautiful apartment complex for retired Wycliffe workers.  They both served in Peru.  They met in Peru and have known each other for about 40 years but they have only been married for 4 years.  Don and his first wife served Peru at the same time Lucy was there. Don's first wife died some years ago.  After all these years, they find themselves both living in the apartments and they hit it off again.  Isn't it awesome how God brings people together?  One of the things I think I have loved most about this week is listening to the stories of the missionaries and hearing how God brought them to Wycliffe and what they have been doing.
After dinner, the Total It Up crew had a campfire and S'mores.  It was pretty fun, even though we were getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. 

Today was kind of a closing day.  We talked about what our next steps could be and basically debriefed the whole week.  We all got graduation certificates, so I guess we are officially graduates. :o)

Since after lunch, we have been a little on our own since the program is technically over.  We helped the leaders clean up a bit, took a walk, ate dinner, and went swimming in the pool.  At the pool, we met a missionary couple that is about to go to Papa New Guinea.  They are apparently Financial Peace grads, so it was fun to talk to them about their journey.  Now we are just relaxing in our rooms. It seems way to earlier to go to bed.  "Daddy" Steinbach is picking us up from here tommorrow morning.  We are going to spend the day with him and then we head home on Sunday afternoon.

I was a little nervous about this week at first, because I thought the classes were going to be really hard and way over my head. I don't have skills in Linquistics like Steve does.  I have actaully learned alot. I'm excited to see what God has in store for us next.  I don't think I will be serving in a Language role, but there are so many support/administrative and Computer/IT roles that, with a little more training, I could definetly do.  I'm really glad Steve talked me into going on the trip.

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