Final Count: 1066!
No that is not a typo above, we really had more than 1000 people at Oasis last night. It was an amazing night. I got there at about 5:30 and ran back to the cafe. They was already a huge line formed since they cafe actually opened at 4:30. Carole and Wendy were working hard so I jumped in to help. We had a non-stop line of students until about 6:40 when the students went outside for the annual graduation picture.
Judy gave a great message last night. She encouraged the students to take leaps of faith. What is the next leap of faith you are going to take? She talked to students about the 3 big leaps of faith she has taken starting with when she gave her life to Christ, then when she came on staff at Granger. The last leap of she is taking is joining Jeanne Mayo in Atlanta. She told the students last night what she told all the leaders on Tuesday night. She is leaving Granger to join her mentor and hero, Jeanne Mayo, in Atlanta. There was an extreme quiet in the room last night when told everyone.
I'm excited for her. I hate to see her go but it sounds like this is something that she will really enjoy doing. Jeanne Mayo has been her hero and mentor for a few years now. A few weeks ago Jeanne asked Judy if she would be willing to join her in the mentorship of other youth pastors, helping lead the Mastors Commission, and doing some things with Jeanne in Atlanta. She is going to leave a huge hole in the leadership team at Granger, but i am more than confident that Judy has raised up some amazing leaders that will keep this ministry going.
The graduation was a success. After we cleaned up the cafe a bunch of leaders and a few students went to Steak N Shake for some relaxing and hang out time. I didn't leave until almost midnight. I should have left earlier but I didnt. I'm so tired today. I need to take a big nap later.
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